
about me

Why is there nothing here?
I’m busy and I haven’t had time to update my site. I’m currently in school, learning how to do cool stuff….I also started teaching High School, which is great, but takes up a lot of my time…not complaining…
What can we expect from your site?
You’ll hopefully get to see some of my work that I’ve done over the years, read postings of various musings and such, and maybe get to know me a little bit better
What is it that you do exactly?
I do many things actually. I currently work as a high school Teacher in Baltimore City. I earned my Master of Fine Arts degree in Integrated Design from the University of Baltimore. I also have a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Media & Film from Towson University. I also occasionally babysit. It’s fun.
Anything else?
Yes, I coded the this entire WordPress theme from scratch! I’m pretty proud of this accomplishment.
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