
These Broken Stars

Published on January 2, 2015

A few months ago I joined a book club called “The Prose Hoes Book Club”. I was added by a good friend and co-worker (hey Stacey!). For a time I didn’t have energy or will to read or finish a book, but I still had my love of reading. A few members of the book club attended YA’LL Fest along with me back in November. This basically rekindled my love of reading and so far I’ve finished 6 books since joining (2 of which were for the actual book club).

For Christmas, I got a copy of “These Broken Stars” by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. This book was recommended to me by Stacey and I put it on my Amazon Wish List. I started reading it December 30th and finished it January 1st.


I probably would have read this based on the cover alone (I know I shouldn’t do that…but really tho…).

When I first started reading this book, I got asked what the book was about.

Me: There’s this spaceship…
Them: Oh…it’s a SciFi book?
Me: Well, it’s technically a YA Book.
Them: So they’re in space?
Me: Well, this spaceship crashes on a planet and there were only two survivors. And they’re looking for ways to get rescued.
Them: How is it so far?
Me: It’s really good!

Sorry I don’t do well with recapping dialogue but people suddenly turn off when any form of SciFi/Fantasy is mentioned. Whatever.

I won’t go into full details of the book. I’m not even sure this will be a review. A few months ago I was trying to remember a terrible book I read so that other people won’t read it…I never got to figure out what that book was, but I guess this will be a way for me to track what I’ve read and my experiences while reading them. Something to blog about right?

This book was awesome. I ended up staying up until 5am New Years Day to finish a majority of the book. That’s a big deal because bedtime for me us usually around 10-11pm. At 11pm, December 31st, I was ready for bedtime, but we had people over so…no can do. The book goes back and forth between the perspectives of the two surviving characters (and also tidbits of the debriefing interview). It’s easy to be catty towards the girl, or throw shade towards the boy, but with the switching perspectives, it gives more understanding. Then I don’t hate anyone!

I’m super stoked this is part of a trilogy, and that there’s a novella that transitions into the second book (which is expected to arrive tomorrow, woot!). The second book (This Shattered World) is supposed to have new characters, but the two survivors of this book are supposed to make an appearance.

I definitely recommend this book. It’s a quick but HIGHLY satisfying read.

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