
New Year’s Resolution

Published on January 3, 2015

It’s basically the same every year:

• Lose weight
• Eat less
• Clean more
• Drink more water

But I’ll add a few more so that I can hold myself accountable.

• Blog AT LEAST 3 times a week (you’ll know if I’m not keeping up with this).
• Read more (joining a book club helps).
• Go to the movies more (2014 only saw me go to the movies 3 times…this is unacceptable).
• Be more organized (yeah I’ll let you know how this goes).

So that’s basically it. I’ve already signed up for and researched a bunch of blog post ideas just in case I can’t think of anything to write.

I’m happy to be updating this more 🙂

previous post: These Broken Stars
next post: Work Tomorrow…

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